MCO Arif

by Tugutech Studio



Sports Injury Massage (MCO) was founded from personal experience since 2003, since I studied the undergraduate study program in 1998 at the Faculty of Sports Science, Department of Sports Training, State University of Semarang, I pursued the field of massage which I got in the course of sports massage and injury treatment. sports taught by lecturer Moh. Senoaji. Armed with the basic knowledge of sports massage, by Mr. Eri prateknyo as KONI administrator as well as a FIK-UNNES lecturer, I was asked to become a masseure for KONI Central Java athletes who will take part in the 16th PON in Palembang, South Sumatra. After joining the 16th PON masseure in Palembang, then I actively participated in trainings. The first time, I attended massage training held by Politekes Surakarta in 2006, then the second training held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2006 in Jakarta. From the results of the training in handling sports injuries, I have developed and improved these knowledges into one of the methods of handling sports injuries and at the same time I have practiced them to help Central Java athletes since 2003 until now. In the course of time I met figures of massage and sports injury therapy, including:1), Dr. dr. B.M. Wara Kushartanti, MS, a lecturer at UNY2), Dr. Ali Satia Graha, S.Pd., M.Kes, a lecturer at UNY3) Drs. Bambang Priyonoadi, M.Kes. UNY lecturer4) Drs. Yoesoef Roepajadi, M.Pd, a UNESA lecturer, and5) Drs. Bambang Wijanarko, M.Kes, UNS Lecturer.From him, I learned a lot of material about massage and shared about sports injury therapy, especially massage. From my experience, I learned massage theories and how to treat sports injuries, and from the results of these trainings until now I practice them every time every time to help treat athletes as well as friends, relatives, and neighbors who suffer injuries, especially sports injuries. From there I had the idea to introduce to the public the M.C.O (Sports Injury Massage) method. VisionTo become a scientific and professional sports injury massage clinic2. MissionHelping professional and scientific sports injury therapy for athletes in particular and society in general· Providing sports injury therapy services that have professional Human Resources based on knowledge about massage and handling sports injuries· To become a sports injury therapy clinic that is oriented towards satisfaction for athletes in particular and society in general· Make a sports injury therapy clinic that has a comfortable and pleasant environmentSOP for massage services Sports injuries1. Determine the type or diagnosis of acute or overuse (chronic) injury2. Know the cause of the injury3. Find out how long the injury is4. Handling sports injury massage (massage or not massage)5. Provide conclusions and suggestions for injured athletes